A look back at the 2022 Start Up Week

All first-year engineering students participated in Start Up Week: a full week dedicated to discovering business creation
Sébastienne Guyot 2021 Scholarship Award Ceremony

The Sébastienne Guyot 2021 scholarship award ceremony took place on Thursday, December 2. This year, two scholarships were awarded to Joséphine and Sabrina, two CentraleSupélec engineering students, thanks to the support of Eurofins and Qube Research and Technologies. Watch the video testimonials of our two laureates: Sébastienne Guyot scholarships The Department of Corporate Relations and Development […]
Awarding ceremony for business start-up grants

On Thursday, February 3, the award ceremony for the business creation support grants was held. These grants, awarded twice a year by the CentraleSupélec Foundation, aim to support students in their entrepreneurial projects. On the occasion of Startup Week 2022, the Foundation awarded its grants to five winning projects: Emobot Empathic social robot to fight […]
Focus on : PumpedUp, a startup supported by the CentraleSupélec Foundation

In 2019, Clément Ferré, an entrepreneurial engineer from CentraleSupélec, created his startup PumpedUp. The goal ? To develop a manual standing wheelchair for paraplegics. « PumpedUp’s technology integrates with the traditional manual wheelchair. Thus, the patient will have the choice to be in a sitting or standing position. The technology is developed with occupational therapists […]
CentraleSupélec Foundation 2021 Thesis Awards Ceremony

On Monday, November 29, the CentraleSupélec Foundation’s 2021 thesis award ceremony was held, bringing to a close the day of doctoral students at the University of Paris-Saclay’s “Engineering and Systems Sciences” Graduate School. This year, four winners were selected by the jury, on themes as diverse as plasma physics, telecommunications, biotechnology and AI-medicine. With the […]
The CentraleSupélec delegation returns from the COP26

Erwan, Alexandre, Leo, Adam, Andrea, Emma and Mariana are back after two weeks spent on the front lines of the COP26 held in Glasgow. This delegation, composed of students and researchers, allowed CentraleSupélec to have observer status at this major event. Throughout COP26, the delegation regularly shared its experience and feelings on the “COP CentraleSupélec” […]
CAPS ME wins gold medal at Concours Lépine

CAPS ME, a startup co-founded by Jean de Boisredon, a CentraleSupélec engineering student, and Thibaut Louvet, a student at Arts et Métiers ParisTech, won the gold medal at the prestigious Lépine competition in early November. For ten days, the CAPS ME team conducted nearly 3,000 demos of its reusable coffee capsule loader. Not stopping there, […]
A look back at CentralSupélec 2022 Summer Camp

Promoting science and encouraging diversity in the profiles recruited are two of the missions CentraleSupélec has set itself. How do we do it? By making it easier for girls and scholarship students to enroll in pre-preparatory courses and scientific studies in general. From Sunday, July 4 to Saturday, July 10, 2021, CentraleSupélec organized for the […]
Inauguration of the Repaire

On September 20, the School inaugurated Le Repaire, a new convivial space dedicated to entrepreneurship, entirely funded by the CentraleSupélec Foundation. On this occasion, the School’s entrepreneurship team presented CentraleSupélec’s new positioning on this strategic axis, which has been part of its DNA since its creation. A large space for conviviality Although CentraleSupélec’s entrepreneurs now […]
Discover the 2020 Annual Report of the CentraleSupélec Foundation

We are pleased to publish the CentraleSupélec Foundation’s 2020 Annual Report, which will allow you to measure the full scope of your generosity. 2020 Annual Report – CentraleSupélec Foundation (fondation-centralesupelec.fr) The year 2020 will have been special in more ways than one. Marked by a health crisis of unprecedented proportions, it demonstrated the exemplary capacity […]