CentraleSupélec mobilizes for diversity on November 8, 2022

CentraleSupélec mobilizes for diversity on November 8, 2022

CentraleSupélec mobilizes for diversity!

Science and engineering are more than ever at the heart of tomorrow’s jobs. Also, they are a great lever to open the doors of the grandes écoles to talented young men and women from all walks of life.

Ecole CentraleSupélec has understood that social openness and diversity increase the value of the degree. Diversity in all its forms (gender, social, territorial, etc.) enriches the School, improves training and makes “better” engineers. Moreover, the school must take its part in this social issue.

Equal opportunity is a priority for CentraleSupélec and it has already developed various actions in this direction. In order to accentuate its actions, CentraleSupélec will create a Center for Diversity and Inclusion (to inform young people about science, orient them and accompany them in their studies).

On November 8, 2022, at the premises of OnePoint (partner of the School) was held the diversity event organized by the Foundation and in connection with the School. OnePoint is one of CentraleSupélec’s partners and has graciously made its premises available to us, thanks again to them.

For one hour,
Olivier Gicquel
(Director of Training at CentraleSupélec),
Olivier de Lapparent
(CentraleSupélec’s social outreach coordinator) and
Flavien Kulawik
(CS94 and Chair of the Foundation’s Campaign Committee) have presented the ambitious actions set up by the School with the support of the CentraleSupélec Foundation to develop an open and inclusive school for about 40 guests .

This was illustrated by several student testimonials.

Aly Teme, a student at CentraleSupélec, obtained financial aid from the foundation. He came to explain his career path and what this grant brought him.

Aurélie Metzelard, President of the Capèse student association, and Lucie Rochas, Secretary General of the association, came to present the missions of Capèse and the importance of the foundation’s support.

After these presentations, the discussions continued for a long time around the cocktail.

We will be doing a next diversity event in 2023.

Here are some pictures of the event.

Do you have a question about diversity at CentraleSupélec or the Foundation’s contribution in this area? evenements.fondation@centralesupelec.fr

You too, support the School and its students!

Donations from our Alumni, parents and corporate patrons are essential resources for CentraleSupélec, and the main seed fund for its development projects. So let’s all support our School!

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